Sequencing SystemTools Hyena 12.5.2 with App-V 5.1

Copy the installation media locally and launch the sequencer with the EnablePVADControl parameter

Load a sequencing template if you have one – here’s a copy of the one I use

Ensure sequencer is clean and ready i.e. no restarts pending/previous packages captured etc.

Select the installer

Enter name and PVAD  – C:\System-Tools_Hyena_12.5.0_001A

Click Next

Enter the installation directory C:\System-Tools_Hyena_12.5.0_001A

Allow time for installation to complete

Tick the checkbox and click Next

Run Hyena

Enter the registration info

Click OK

Open RegEdit – Browse to HKCU\Software\Adkins Resource\Hyena\Win32 and set AskForNewsletterSignup to 1

Create a key under HKCU\Software\Adkins Resource\Hyena\Advanced called DisableUpdateChecker and set to 1

Click Next

Continue to modify package if you want to clean up further or modify shortcuts etc otherwise save the package

Microsoft App-V 5 Sequencing Template

When sequencing an application it’s handy to have a template with some common file and registry exclusions to save on the cleanup work afterwards.

Copy the xml content below into a text file and save with a .appvt extension. Load this template into the App-V Sequencer before packaging an application.

To load this template launch the Sequencer and select File > Load Template.

Template Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<SequencerTemplate xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">









<string>[{Common AppData}]\Microsoft\Crypto</string>

<string>[{Common AppData}]\Microsoft\Search\Data</string>




<string>[{Local AppData}]</string>



<string>[{Profile}]\Local Settings</string>










<string>[{AppVPackageDrive}]\System Volume Information</string>


<string>[{Local AppData}]\Temp</string>

<string>[{ProgramFilesX64}]\Microsoft Application Virtualization\Sequencer</string>


























<string>REGISTRY\USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings</string>













<string>REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings</string>









<TargetOSes />


Sequencing Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8u91 with App-V 5.1

There are various forums and websites around with information on this however I thought I’d share a step by step guide I created.

      1. Download JRE 8u91 x86 and run it on the sequencer VM
      2. Browse to %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle\Java\hre1.8.0_91 and copy the msi to C:\1
      3. Cancel the Java setup
      4. Launch the sequencer with the following command
      5. Open the sequencer and add the following path to the exclusions
      6. Click on Create New App-V Package then Create Package (default)
      7. Click Next
      8. Click Next
      9. Select custom installation and click next
      10. Enter a name and a PVAD which we’re NOT going to use
      11. Now run the msi using the following command. Give it some time to complete.
      12. Once complete, create the following registry key
      13. Create another registry key
      14. Use notepad (run as administrator) to edit the document under this location
      15. Add these two lines to the bottom and save
      16. Check I am finished installing and click Next
      17. Click Next
      18. Click Next
      19. Click Next
      20. Select Continue to modify package… and click Next
      21. IMPORTANT – Ensure this folder is set to override the local directory. This ensures that another other versions of Java (packaged or local) do not take priority over this version.
      22. IMPORTANT – Ensure write permission to the VFS is permitted. Allows the package to write the deployment.config file back to the VFS.

Group Policy

Get the Class ID of the Java Add-Ons by going into IE and Manage Addons.

Now create a Group Policy or create a new one and go to

Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Security Features\Add-on Management

Open the Add-on List GPO and pick Enabled then click Show

In the Value Name put the copied Class ID followed by a 2 in the next field.

0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (user can’t edit), 2 = Enabled (user can edit)